Category: Trump and the MAGA Cult

  • Shut the f*ck up, Donald.

    No former President—I don’t care who it is—should be criticizing the current President—I don’t care who it is—at a time like this. There will be an appropriate time for serious-minded people to evaluate Biden’s statements and actions, but it will NEVER be appropriate for that evaluation to come from Donald Trump, whose only foreign policy…

  • Just to be clear, Republicans…

    are you saying that NOBODY who commits crimes should face consequences, or only Donald Trump? ‘Cuz if it’s the former, I have a lot of jewelry stores nearby and I’m positive that I can find some bricks.    

  • PRA 101 video now available!

    Just in time for summer school, which we know the MAGA cult members sorely need, the PRA 101 video is now available on YouTube!  Hit the Contact link for the Congressdog YouTube channel, or follow the video link below: